Service Levels

Our Spatial NI platform has been designed to be highly available. However from time to time, incidents may happen that render a component of our system to be unavailable. It may also be necessary to take components off-line for routine maintenance.

The service levels below highlight the level of service you can expect from Spatial NI.

Spatial NI Platform


Spatial NI agree to provide the following level availability across components of our platform:

Platform Component URL Availability
Spatial NI Website 95%
Spatial NI Map Viewer 95%
Spatial NI Applications 95%


Spatial NI agree to provide the following average load times for components of our platform:

Platform Component URL Average Load Time
Spatial NI Website TBC
Spatial NI Map Viewer TBC
Spatial NI Applications TBC

Please note that performance may be affected by the speed of your internet connection. The figures highlighted above are average load times based on a number of differing scenarios.

Support access and response

We provide access to email support:

Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 (excluding public holidays).

All requests for support must be logged from the contact us page on our website. These are split into 2 categories:

Category Description
Faults Faults are unplanned interruptions to or quality reduction in the services provided by Spatial NI.
Requests Requests are providing feedback or asking for an adjustment be considered to the Spatial NI platform.


The Spatial NI support team will respond to faults based on the following priorities:

Priority Level Description Symptom Example Goal Response Goal Fix
1 Blocker Spatial NI is not available All components of the Spatial NI platform are unavailable including website, map viewer and applications 30 minutes 4 hours
2 Critical A component of Spatial is unavailable One component of the Spatial NI platform is unavailable (e.g.) website, map viewer or applications 30 minutes 1 day
3 Major Intermittent failures of Spatial NI components Functionality in a component is not working as expected (e.g. draw and measure in the map viewer) 2 hours 3 days
4 Normal Problem does not impact on use but is 'annoying' to the user Page launches on same browser tab rather than a new one 4 hours 5 days
5 Minor Cosmetic issues For example spelling errors 1 day 10 days

Goal Response: the time between the initial notification of a fault and users being put in contact with a member of the Spatial NI support team.

Goal Fix: the time between the initial notification and the fault being resolved or an appropriate work-around applied.


The Spatial NI support team will respond to requests based on the following priorities:

Priority Level Description Symptom Example Goal Response Goal Fix
1 High User requires a request to be completed to use the service User requires credentials to access OGC web services 2 hours 1 day
2 Medium User requires guidance on use of the platform Query on how to use the map viewer 1 day 5 days
3 Low Request does not impact on users ability use the platform Query of terms and conditions or requesting new content 1 day 10 days

Goal Response: the time between the initial notification of a fault and users being put in contact with a member of the Spatial NI support team.

Goal Fix: the time between the initial notification and the fault being resolved or an appropriate work-around applied.


What is a complaint?

A complaint is an instance in which a customer informs us that they are not happy about the service we provided. It can be about anything and could include when:

Making a complaint?

You can register a complaint in any of the following ways:

Land & Property Services

Corporate Correspondence and Complaints Unit

Lanyon Plaza

7 Lanyon Place

Town Parks



Response Times

The LPS Corporate Correspondence and Complaints Unit will respond to your complaint as follows:

Response Time
Acknowledge receipt of complaint 2 working days
Full response 10 working days

All complaints in relation to Spatial NI will be dealt with by the LPS Corporate Correspondence and Complaints Unit.